Io Energy was launched in December of 2001 with the financial backing of Tod Sedgwick by Randy Rischard, Jeff Grizzel and myself. The company was sold to SNL Energy in 2004.
This information publishing company provided regional information on North American bulk power markets and kept an eye on natural gas as well. I was responsible for commodity price indexes and daily market coverage. I wrote the company's application for the Federal Energy Regulation Commission to approve our methodology for our indexes to be included in jurisdictional tariffs, which was approved.
Most natural gas and power trading is over well before lunchtime. So we wrote a midday report about market action with indicative prices, and included it in our subscriptions.
I enjoyed working with Mary Liston and Richard Sansom to cover these markets. We were a lean group and had a full day.
Regional power markets are fundamentally different and do not move in tandem like other commodities. This is particularly true for the western two-thirds of the United States.